Situation management

Boston’s situation management framework integrates all of user’s security systems, including but not limited to, access control systems, fire and moisture detection systems, motion sensing systems and video surveillance systems into a single centralized command center and control system. This command and control center will be implemented in a cost-effective manner. This system is fully auditable. The creation of a centralized command and control center will serve to reduce costs by decreasing the number of personnel required to monitor the elements of a decentralized systems. Events are collected from each of the individual security systems, and the data generated from all of them are correlated to each other in order to provide a seamless and logical presentation on a single user interface. This a robust solution suitable scalable from small users to large multi-national enterprises. Data is geospatially identified and will be correlated and filtered per the rules specifically designed for each user. This rules can be based on any factor that can be translated to data including location, duration, frequency and type. The solution generates a complete set of logs, reports, process change activities, preparatory drills, system health checks and much more. Our solution dramatically speeds up any organization's ability to identify potential situations, creating an environment for much quicker response times to the situations