
Complete video network management solution

Complete video network management solution

Kalidarsope’s Situation Management system integrates your network of security and safety devices to create a central command and control system. The system incorporates all type of security devices, though not limited to fire detectors, alarms, access control, motion sensors, POS, GIS / GPS and video surveillance system. The inbuilt features of the system help the enterprises handle a massive amount of data from multiple sources to monitor and control its safety and security. The system would assist in making quick decisions and respond fast to given situations by collating the information such as status’, alarms, alerts, and visuals into a unified user interface. The system allows defining rules that would identify the incidents or potential situation automatically and pinpoint their location in an area map. The predefined response protocol for the event is available for the security operator to act immediately.


Highly scalable network video recorders for any size installation

Highly scalable network video recorders for any size installation

A Situation Management System addresses major gaps in an organization’s security and surveillance system that utilizes several devices for various requirements. Boston integrates all these and provides a central monitoring and control system, which minimizes risk by identifying critical, non-critical and potential situations. This centralized command center reduces operational costs/overheads and response time. When an event occurs, information and status updates from various sources are available in real time to security personnel so that they can respond immediately. Compliance and audit efforts reduce as the system stores time and geographical data along with alarms, alerts, supporting videos and status. The Situation Management System integrates well with ERP, POS and other existing systems.