People Counting

Redefining precision for counting people

Redefining precision for counting people

Boston’s people counter significantly increases the counting precision of people entering or leaving a store or department or aisle or other region within your establishment. This counter works with limited or changing lighting conditions and is not fooled by shadows. Through the use of 3D imaging technology, Boston can record an unlimited number of people simultaneously. Counting remain accurate regardless of the number of people or the number of people entering or leaving a monitored zone.

Continuous Object Tracking

Keep suspects in your sight.

Keep suspects in your sight.

Our robust facial surveillance and license plate video analytics will help identify criminal or terrorist suspects. In many if not most instances those suspects will be on the move. Interdicting these people before they act may be of paramount importance. If Boston’s 3D LIDAR based tracking technology has been implemented, the LIDAR units will be able to lock on to suspects and follow them while they are in range. In larger installations, the LIDAR units will be able to hand off tracking to adjacent units to allow for continuous tracking until the proper authorities are able to catch up with the potential perpetrators

Perimeter Surveillance

Monitor your perimeter even in the dark.

Monitor your perimeter even in the dark.

Boston technology adds another critical layer of perimeter security on top of basic video surveillance of the perimeter Using basic video surveillance to Identify a breach of the perimeter requires a diligent and alert security agent monitoring what is typically a wall of monitors and visually noticing the breech. The Boston solution adds intelligence to the search to dramatically improve the effective alertness of the human video monitor. It also reduces the number of video monitors needed for effective monitoring. Our LIDAR Technology works in zero lighting conditions, and provides additional people identifying measurements based on human features such as skeletal structure or gait patterns.


Virtually eliminate false positives

Virtually eliminate false positives

Using 3D imaging technology to map the contours of a human face creates a much more precise identification score. By combining this imaging technology with our standard Facial Surveillance Analytic you will can a dramatically higher level of precision and accuracy on ID’s, virtually eliminating false positive IDs.